It Is My Experience The Easiest Way To Make Money Online Is To Be An Affiliate For Other PeoplesIt is my experience the easiest way to make money online is to be an affiliate for other peoples products or programs. Being an affiliate means you do not have to have a product, a website, ( and hosting domain name etc), . All of that is supplied for you. Your job is to drive traffic to the ’vendors’ website, or sales page. After a customer goes to either of those and decides to purchase the product, you get a commission. You need to choose your products carefully to make sure you are not going up against a ton of competition, or no sales at all. There are several ways to do this and can be found on google and clickbank. If using clickbank it is easy to check the approximate competition by looking at the ’gravity’ of said product, the higher the gravity the more competition you are up against. Lower, not to low, means the competition is less. To further check on what product, niche, etc. you are going to promote, google has several tools to help you. Always remember no matter what you are promoting, weather it be a digital or physical product, you need to use the best keywords for that product. Again google has a keyword search tool you can also use. As far as promotion, there are many free ways and many paid options. If you choose to use a paid option, use research to make sure you know what you are doing, or you could waste lot’s of money. The free options are all over the net. you have safelists, traffic exchanges, banner placement and many more. Be warned about using safelists as you will get a ton of emails from other members that you need to open for credits so you can send your ads out. My suggestion for you is to research this in more depth and with other articles about the many other ways to make money on line.
It Is My Experience The Easiest Way To Make Money Online Is To Be An Affiliate For Other PeoplesIt is my experience the easiest way to make money online is to be an affiliate for other peoples products or programs. Being an affiliate means you do not have to have a product, a website, ( and hosting domain name etc), . All of that is supplied for you. Your job is to drive traffic to the ’vendors’ website, or sales page. After a customer goes to either of those and decides to purchase the product, you get a commission. You need to choose your products carefully to make sure you are not going up against a ton of competition, or no sales at all. There are several ways to do this and can be found on google and clickbank. If using clickbank it is easy to check the approximate competition by looking at the ’gravity’ of said product, the higher the gravity the more competition you are up against. Lower, not to low, means the competition is less. To further check on what product, niche, etc. you are going to promote, google has several tools to help you. Always remember no matter what you are promoting, weather it be a digital or physical product, you need to use the best keywords for that product. Again google has a keyword search tool you can also use. As far as promotion, there are many free ways and many paid options. If you choose to use a paid option, use research to make sure you know what you are doing, or you could waste lot’s of money. The free options are all over the net. you have safelists, traffic exchanges, banner placement and many more. Be warned about using safelists as you will get a ton of emails from other members that you need to open for credits so you can send your ads out. My suggestion for you is to research this in more depth and with other articles about the many other ways to make money on line.
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